+41 76 680 49 29 info@gi-pd.com

Imprint & Privacy Policy


Responsible for the content of the website:
Global Insights & People Development
Daniel Cruz Bonilla Training & Consulting
Rämistrasse 38
8001 Zürich
+41 76 680 49 29

Web design and implementation
Sandro Kurmann

The author assumes no responsibility for the correctness, accuracy, timeliness, reliability, or completeness of the information provided. Liability claims against the author for material or immaterial damage resulting from the access, use, or non-use of the published information, misuse of the connection, or technical faults are excluded. All offers are non-binding. The author expressly reserves the right to change, supplement, delete parts of the pages or the entire offer without prior notice, or to cease publication temporarily or permanently.

Liability for Links
References and links to third-party websites are outside our area of responsibility. Any responsibility for such websites is declined. Access to and use of such websites is at the user’s own risk.

The copyrights and all other rights to content, images, photos, or other files on the website belong exclusively to “Global Insights & People Development – Daniel Cruz” or the specifically named rights holders. Any reproduction, transmission, or other use for commercial purposes is prohibited. Downloading information is permitted. Written consent from the copyright holders must be obtained in advance for the reproduction of any elements.

Privacy Policy

1. General Information
Privacy is important to us. Therefore, we process your personal data (“personal data”) with great care and in accordance with applicable legal requirements. Daniel Cruz Bonilla Training & Consulting, Rämistrasse 38, 8001 Zurich, Switzerland processes your personal data for various purposes and transparently informs you about these data processing activities. “Personal data” refers to any information that can be associated with a specific or identifiable natural person. The term “processing” includes any handling of personal data, such as obtaining, disclosing, storing, deleting, etc.

Please read the entire privacy policy carefully. This way, you will learn how and why we process your personal data and what rights you have regarding these data processing activities.

This privacy policy is based on the Swiss Data Protection Act (DSG). Furthermore, it is also based on the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Whether the GDPR applies at all depends on the individual case.

Who and when does this privacy policy apply to?
when you use our services or products or are in contractual contact with us Visitors to our website www.gi-pd(dot)com. When you contact us, e.g., via email, letter, through our contact form, or any other contact tool. When you receive information or marketing communication from us and when you sign up for specific offers (e.g., courses) when you subscribe to our newsletter when you are involved in other data processing activities related to our offerings.

2. Responsibility
The company responsible for processing personal data is the one that determines the purpose and means of processing. For the data processing described in this privacy policy, the following company or person is the “controller” within the meaning of the DSG, i.e., the data protection authority, unless otherwise communicated in the specific case (Identity):
Global Insights & People Development
Daniel Cruz Bonilla Training & Consulting
Rämistrasse 38
8001 Zurich

For inquiries or questions regarding data protection, you can contact us at the following address: info(at)gi-pd.com

3. Personal data to be processed
We process different categories of personal data for various purposes. For business partners who are companies, we process fewer personal data – here we process, in particular, data of contact persons of the companies (e.g., name, email address, function in the company, communication data). Many of the following personal data are provided by you. However, you are usually not obligated to do so. If you provide us with data about other persons, we assume that you are authorized to do so and that this data is also correct. You confirm this automatically when you submit data of these third parties. Please ensure that the affected third parties have been made aware of this privacy policy.

3.1. Basic data and contact information
Basic data and contact information directly relate to your person and characteristics (e.g., to contact you). We process, for example, the following basic data:

  • Name
  • Email address

We receive this basic data directly from you. However, under certain conditions, we may also obtain personal data from third parties, such as from our business partners, associations, address brokers, and from publicly available sources such as the internet.
3.2. Contract data
Contract data are information that arises in connection with contract processing. We process the following data:

  • Information from the pre-contractual stage and information on the conclusion of the contract itself (e.g., on the subject matter of the contract), as well as the information necessary or used for processing
  • Date, information about the type and duration as well as conditions of the respective contract, data on the termination of the contract
  • Customer history
  • Information on payments and payment modalities, mutual claims
  • Information on complaints, information on customer satisfaction, complaints, feedback

3.3. Communication data
Communication data are data that arise in connection with communication with you, e.g., the following data:

  • Contact details such as postal address, email address, and telephone number
  • Content of all correspondence
  • Information about the nature, time, and other marginal data of the communication

3.4. Location data and technical data
When you visit our website, technical data is collected. This includes, for example, the following data:

  • Location and traffic data
  • IP address of the device and device ID
  • Information about your device, the operating system of your device
  • Information about your internet provider
  • Accessed content or protocols that record the use of our systems
  • Date and time of access to the website

3.5. Other possible data
Depending on the necessity, we may also process the following additional data:

  • We may also process photos or videos in which you may be recognizable (e.g., from events)
  • We may collect data on who participates in events and when

4. Purposes of our data processing
We process your personal data to the extent permitted for various purposes, for which we have a legitimate interest corresponding to the purpose:

  • For contract fulfillment
  • For communication (e.g., responding to your messages)
  • For marketing and informational purposes (so that we can inform you about offers or new activities according to your personal interests)
  • For the enforcement of measures for operational and building security as well as for the protection of our employees, other persons, and assets
  • For internal administration (e.g., within the scope of accounting or data archiving)
  • To comply with legal requirements (e.g., to process complaints, prevent and investigate crimes or other misconduct)
  • Assertion of legal claims (if necessary, we also process personal data to enforce claims judicially, extrajudicially, and before authorities in Switzerland and abroad or to defend ourselves against legal claims)
  • For corporate development (e.g., for business management, for the execution of purchase and sale of business areas and related transfer of personal data)

5. Data processing related to social media
When you contact us via social media and our profiles there, e.g., on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, etc., or comment on content or share posts, we collect information that we can use for marketing purposes. The respective provider of a social media platform also collects data when you visit our profile.
For more information on data processing by a social media provider itself, please refer to the respective privacy policies of this provider.
We offer you the opportunity to use a so-called social media plugin from Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn on our website to integrate functions of the respective provider into our website. These plugins are deactivated by default but are activated when you click on the social media icon on the website. You can direct requests for information and other inquiries related to these social media providers directly to the respective provider.

6. Online advertising techniques
We use online advertising techniques such as cookies on our website. This allows us to measure the user-friendliness and success of the website and online advertising campaigns.

6.1. What are online advertising techniques such as cookies?
When we track you, we can distinguish your accesses from those of other users, enabling us to ensure the functionality of the website and conduct statistical evaluations. With each page view, you are recognized as an individual visitor, and can thus be distinguished from other people, for example, by assigning a unique identification number to your browser (this is called a “cookie”). Cookies are automatically stored on your device when you visit our website. We use cookies, for example, to store settings between your visits to the website or for the collection of statistical and technical data.

7. Disclosure of data to other companies and other recipients
We disclose your personal data to service providers. This applies in particular to IT service providers but may also involve analysis service providers, debt collection service providers, credit agencies, marketing service providers, etc., where necessary. As far as these service providers process personal data as processors, they are obliged to process personal data exclusively in accordance with our instructions and to take measures to ensure data security. Data may also be disclosed to other recipients, such as courts and authorities in the context of legal proceedings. In individual cases, it is possible that we may also disclose personal data to other third parties for their own purposes, for example, if you have given us your consent to do so or if we are legally obliged or entitled to do so.

8. Personal data abroad
Recipients of data (e.g., other companies or authorities) are not only in Switzerland. This applies particularly to certain service providers. These may also be located outside the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland, especially in the USA, i.e., in other countries worldwide. For example, we may transmit data to authorities abroad if we are legally obligated to do so. Not all countries outside Switzerland and the EEA have the same level of data protection as in Switzerland. Therefore, we compensate for the lower protection through appropriate contracts, especially the so-called Standard Contractual Clauses issued by the European Commission and recognized by the Swiss Data Protection and Information Commissioner (EDÖB). In certain cases, we may also transmit data in accordance with data protection requirements without these contracts, for example, if you have consented to a specific data disclosure or if the disclosure is necessary for the performance of a contract or the enforcement of legal claims or for overriding public interests.

We use the online calendar tool from cal.com for appointment scheduling. The service provider is the American company Cal.com, Inc. Your data may be transferred to the USA. The USA is outside the scope of the GDPR. However, the new American data protection law has been adapted to the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). You can find out more about the data processed by using cal.com in the privacy policy at https://cal.com/de/privacy

9. Duration of data processing
We store and process your personal data for as long as necessary for the purpose of processing (for data related to contracts, this is usually for the duration of the contractual relationship), as long as we have a legitimate interest in storing the data (e.g., to enforce legal claims or to ensure IT security), and as long as data is subject to a legal retention obligation (certain data is subject to a ten-year retention period, which we must adhere to). We destroy or anonymize your personal data after the storage or processing period has expired, unless legal or contractual obligations prohibit this.

10. Legal basis according to GDPR for data processing
Depending on the circumstances, data processing is only permitted if the applicable law specifically allows it. This does not apply under Swiss data protection law, but it does under the European GDPR, where applicable. In this case, we base the processing of your personal data on the following legal bases: on your consent (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a and Art. 9 para. 2 lit. a GDPR); that the processing is necessary for the performance of a contract or for pre-contractual measures (Art. 6 para. 2 lit. b GDPR); the processing is necessary for a legitimate interest in data processing (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR); that the processing is necessary for the assertion or defense of legal claims or civil proceedings (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f and Art. 9 para. 2 lit. f GDPR); that the processing is necessary to comply with national or foreign legal regulations (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. c and lit. f as well as Art. 9 para. 2 lit. g GDPR).

11. Rights of data subjects
You have certain rights under applicable data protection law to obtain further information about our data processing and to influence it. These include, in particular, the following rights: You have a right to information. This means that you can request information about our data processing. We are happy to provide you with this information. You can also submit a request for information if you wish to receive additional information and a copy of your data. You have a right to data portability. This means that you have the right to receive the personal data you have provided to us in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format or to have it transmitted to another controller, provided that the processing of the data is based on your consent or is necessary for the performance of a contract. You have a right to deletion and objection. This means that you can object to our data processing, so that we can no longer process your data. You can also request that we delete your personal data. However, we would like to point out that we will continue to process and store your data if we are required to do so. You have a right to rectification. This means that you can correct or complete incorrect or incomplete personal data or have it supplemented with a so-called note of objection. You have a right to withdraw consent. This means that you can revoke your consent at any time, provided you have given your consent to a data processing beforehand. The revocation takes effect from this moment, i.e., only for the future and not for the past. However, it may be that we continue to process your data in the event of a revocation, but based on another legal basis. When exercising your data subject rights, we must verify your identity (this is done, for example, by providing a copy of your ID). The data subject rights listed are subject to legal requirements and limitations. This means that the exercise of rights is not possible in every case. For example, we may still need to continue processing your personal data to fulfill an order with you, to safeguard.

12. Status of the privacy policy
This privacy policy is up to date and dated May 29, 2024. This privacy policy was created by: LEXDEX.ch – Your privacy expert.